“Why do you torment me?’
‘On the contrary, I see you are in distress.…’
But Kitty in her excitement did not listen to her.
‘There is nothing for me to grieve for or seek comfort about. I have enough pride never to let myself love a man who does not love me.’
‘But I am not suggesting it…. Only, tell me frankly,’ said Dolly, taking her by the hand, ‘did Levin speak to you?’
The mention of Levin seemed to deprive Kitty of the last fragments of self-control: she jumped up from her chair, threw the buckle on the floor, and rapidly gesticulating with her hands she began:
‘What has Levin to do with it? I don’t understand why you need to torment me! I have said and I repeat I will never, never do what you are doing—returning to a man who has betrayed you and has loved another woman. I can’t understand it! You may do it, but I can’t.”